International speleodiving expedition Rakovica
Rakovica Expeditions 2002 – 2003
In these two years, I participated with few other Czech and Slovak divers on the international expedition called Rakovica 2002, which was organized by Croatian speleogroup “Družstvo za istraživanija i snimanja krških fenomena Zagreb”, abbreviated DISKF. Rakovice Village is nearby from the reservation Plitvice Lakes and the task of the expedition was to explore surrounding caves :
- system of caves Panjkova-Varicakova
- water spring Sinjac, where we reached depth of -100 m
- water spring Kusa near Zadar town, after diving through the first siphon we discovered a large dry part and then found a second huge siphon, which we dived the next year to the distance of 200 m and depth of 45 m and it still continues down..
- water spring under Baračevac cave, discovered about 500 meters underwater
- cave Blata and the final siphon

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