International speleodiving expedition Rakovica

Rakovica Expeditions 2002 – 2003

In these two years, I participated with few other Czech and Slovak divers on the international expedition called Rakovica 2002, which was organized by Croatian speleogroup “Družstvo za istraživanija i snimanja krških fenomena Zagreb”, abbreviated DISKF. Rakovice Village is nearby from the reservation Plitvice Lakes and the task of the expedition was to explore surrounding caves :

  • system of caves Panjkova-Varicakova
  • water spring Sinjac, where we reached depth of -100 m
  • water spring Kusa near Zadar town, after diving through the first siphon we discovered a large dry part and then found a second huge siphon, which we dived the next year to the distance of 200 m and depth of 45 m and it still continues down..
  • water spring under Baračevac cave, discovered about 500 meters underwater
  • cave Blata and the final siphon
Blata Cave, photo by M. Tomasek Sinjac Spring, photo by M. Tomasek Kusa Spring, photo by M. Tomasek Blata Cave, photo by M. Tomasek Rakovica 2002
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